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深圳市日欧制冷设备有限公司是专业生产工业冷水机,模具恒温机,冷风机的企业咨询与销售热线联系人:谭生手机: ,电话:-820,传真:网址:,日欧在一批具有高技术水准的高级工程技术人员的带领下,开发生产出了“日欧”牌冷水机、激光冷水机、PCB冷水机、超低温冷水机、螺杆式冷水机、模具恒温机、冷风机、塑料粉碎机、料斗干燥机、混色机、除湿干燥机、柜式空调机、吸料机等十余个系列,近100多种规格产品。每种设备都是推动制造业向高效、节约、方便、环保等全方位发展的锐器。
日欧公司座落于中国深圳龙岗区,的设备,的检测系统,独立的加工,生产流程,为产品质量的不断优化提供了有效的保障。国际制造业的日新月异,风起云涌,优胜劣汰,未来的事业更加有赖我们并肩同行,携手开拓。我们有信心成为您的选择,期待您永远的支持。 Company Profile:
Shenzhen City, Japan and Europe Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional CHILLER industrial production, mold temperature machine, Air-cooled industrial chiller enterprises, Japan and Europe in a number of high-tech high standard of engineering and technical staff under the leadership of development and production of a "Europe Day" Licensing CHILLER, laser CHILLER, PCB CHILLER, ultra-low temperature CHILLER, screw CHILLER, mold temperature machine, Air-cooled industrial chiller, plastic shredders, hopper dryer, blending machine, desiccant dryer, tank air-conditioners, Suction machine more than 10 series, nearly more than 100 kinds of product specifications. Each type of equipment are to promote manufacturing efficiency, conservation, convenience, environmental protection, and all-round development of the sharp instrument.
Europe, the company is located in Longgang, Shenzhen, China Baolong Industrial Area, with advanced equipment, leading detection system, independent of the processing, production processes, to constantly improve the quality of products has provided effective protection. International manufacturing sector with each passing day, surging, the survival of the fittest, the future depends on our cause more side by side counterparts to jointly develop. We are confident of your choice, you always look forward to the support. 冷水机与工业
A  briefintyoduction RIOU indusrual chillers
in moden ingustridl manufacturing,precise temperatire controlis a elementto enhance productivity as well as quality of the products,The competitiveness of all kind of manufacturing industres,thefore,relies on these chillers which help to remove heat,upgrade productivity.
Our company always sees your needs and is introducing a series of newly desingned industeidl performs in aunique way and ultimately aims at the minimum of the production cost.
Tocith for a few examples,the chillers are being utilized in;
PLASTLCPROCESSINGINDUSTRIES(injectionmoulding,blow moulding.fiber spining,vacuum faming)
eletroplating&electronicprocess(vacuummetalization,ABS electropating).
Chemical peocess(iquid cooling)
others:food processing,fish farming laboratory,central alr conditioning system,sauna,etc.
Cooling helps to stabilized both metal and non-metalions and to attach to the pares to the pares to be plated quited quickly,not only increases plating density and smooth ness but also reduce the plating cycle time.
Cooling also helps to recover various precious chemicals making consderatl/e saving of money and reduce wastage
企业名称: 深圳市日欧制冷设备有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 广东/深圳 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00